Lévai Zoltán Info Contact Work:

1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2024 2024 drawing performance camera obscura drawing performance drawing absolute drawing the noise of the city camera obscura camera obscura painting camera obscura painting in the street in the street painting drawing drawing performance drawing drawing spontaneous film camera obscura drawing performance camera obscura camera obscura camera obscura camera obscura drawing painting noise of the city painting drawing -V- painting drawing drawing video-installation Je ne suis pas bon drawing camera obscura camera obscura drawing Ester smiled this way in 1944 drawing drawing camera obscura Portrait of a Man workshop spontaneous film excellent testing camera obscura videostill spontaneous film - Y - case of need Endangered camera obscura spontaneous film testing camera obsura -Y- video-installation camera obscura drawing camera obscura noise of the city video-installation camera obscura -V-V- video-installation video-installation video-installation Absolute The city as work of art all hands on deck-disco-ship painting video camera on a small car Portrait of a Lady workshop Installation inpossible is nothing camera obscura camera obscura opinions are divided in the street drawing original all hands on deck-disco-ship camera obscura video-installation video-installation camera obscura absolute drawing drawing spontaneous film public park workshop viens Amsterdam Antwerp Antwerp Balatonmariafürdö Balatonmariafürdö Balatonmariafürdö Balatonmariafürdö Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Cairo London London Marseille Marseille Marseille Marseille Marseille Marseille Marseille Marseille Marseille Munich New York Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Rome Rome someplace in Hungary someplace in London someplace in Vienna Tunis Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna black and white photograph, /B black and white photograph, B- black and white photograph, B/ black and white photograph, B/ black and white photograph, B/ black and white photograph, V/ black and white photograph, V2 black and white photograph,bp4 black and white photograph,v12 black and white photograph-/BP C/C++// - programming-testing C/CC++//-programming-testing camera obscura box/ BP/388-455 colour photograph /G/workshop colour photograph, /H-345-87-W colour photograph, B/24-P-P-56 colour photograph, B/456-33-44 colour photograph, BP/44-K-565 colour photograph, L/34-V-J-44 colour photograph, P/34-wdd-44 colour photograph, V/563333-34 colour photograph,sewing colour photograph/ V/014123111 colour photograph/ X//Z//01Z23 colour photograph/+/Z/L/5R-rrr colour photograph/LZ/cadeau-Y- colour photograph/X-01X0834hkl disco-ship,video film /G-78-55 disco-ship,video film /w23-d45 downtown, colour photograph-BP downtown, colour photograph-BP downtown, colour photograph-v1 downtown, video film, /H-87-98 downtown, video film, BP/ 3411 downtown, video film, BP/4-R-L downtown, video film, BP/56-K- downtown, video film, V/434348 downtown, video film,Austria/F downtown,video film/B/l04 drawing on paper, V/333-u-4454 feel for the ball,video film, feel for the ball,video film, felt-tip on newspaper, /B-012w felt-tip on newspaper, /H-12ss felt-tip on newspaper, B/34-5r felt-tip on newspaper, M/012-w felt-tip on newspaper, M/22323 felt-tip on newspaper, M/34-45 felt-tip on newspaper, M/44-66 felt-tip on newspaper, P/56-99 felt-tip on newspaper, R/38873 felt-tip on newspaper, R/77633 felt-tip on newspaper, V/73333 felt-tip on newspaper,M/55523t felt-tip on newspaper/qwRW01p1 felt-tip on paper /BP/45-T-/ P felt-tip on paper, bp234123210 felt-tip on photographic paper from above,photographic paper from the side,photo /BP-F9983- gouache and felt-tip on paper, gouache on paper, A/00012drss gouache on paper, b3422220123 gouache on paper /No01/w/L/011 gouache on paper, BP/56-667w22 gouache on paper, C/88-u8555-3 gouache on paper, M/ 054329999 gouache on paper, V/44-565-zz5 gouache on paper,T/663-ww333-4 gouache on paper/ 0qwww0000000 gouache,on paper /00012/12z633 installation / plastic mesh installation/w/T/lll/q45r55pöü oil on photographic paper /G- on the wall/videofilm/00q1q2w2 over and above,video film, H/5 pen-and-ink on newspaper, /W-4 pencil on paper, NYC/z-444-tz- pencil on paper/ M/45-P-////ZL plastic fantastic/ pl/r/01yyyy public park,video film, P/ 34- sewing,(s)))((((o)))))) shop-installation, /T-5996-Z-3 small-car,in the sreet /BP-234 spontaneous film, /BP-W45-Q-34 sugár-LED, colour photograph sugár-LED, colour photograph sugár-LED, colour photograph sugár-LED,colour photograph /B sugár-LED,colour photograph /H sugár-LED,colour photograph /W Sugar-LED,video film, SL/344-6 Tunisia/noise/T/0012wwww/ videoinstallation/w/BP was recorded by my tape, B/3-3 was recorded by my tape,T/3-33 watercolor on paper ////////// watercolor on paper/00q4121212 workshop/////////////// France yarn on paper, BP/367-w88-je-- yarn on paper/N°012w2345610we4 yarn on paperTT/663-ww333-4BP3